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D o c u m e n t a t i o nCustomizing QuickDraw Operations |
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For each shape that QuickDraw can draw, there are procedures that perform these basic graphics operations on the shape: frame, paint, erase, invert, and fill. Those procedures in turn call a low-level drawing routine for the shape. For example, the FrameOval, PaintOval, EraseOval, InvertOval, and FillOval procedures all call the low-level procedure StdOval, which draws the oval.
Other low-level routines defined by QuickDraw are:
For each type of object QuickDraw can draw, including text and lines, there's a pointer to one of these low-level routines. The standard QuickDraw low-level routines should be called only from your customized routines.
The grafProcs field of a GrafPort or CGrafPort record determines which low-level routines are called. If that field contains the value of NIL, the standard routines are called. You can set the grafProcs field to point to a record of pointers to your own routines. For a basic graphics port, this record of pointers is defined by a QDProcs record.
textProc: equ 0 * text drawing procedure, UPP lineProc: equ 4 * line drawing procedure, UPP rectProc: equ 8 * rectangle drawing procedure, UPP rRectProc: equ 12 * roundRect drawing procedure, UPP ovalProc: equ 16 * oval drawing procedure, UPP arcProc: equ 20 * arc/wedge drawing procedure, UPP polyProc: equ 24 * polygon drawing procedure, UPP rgnProc: equ 28 * region drawing procedure, UPP bitsProc: equ 32 * bit transfer procedure, UPP commentProc: equ 36 * picture comment processing, UPP txMeasProc: equ 40 * text width measurement, UPP getPicProc: equ 44 * picture retrieval procedure, UPP putPicProc: equ 48 * picture saving procedure, UPP
For a color graphics port, these pointers are contained in a CQDProcs record.
textProc: equ 0 * text drawing procedure, UPP lineProc: equ 4 * line drawing procedure, UPP rectProc: equ 8 * rectangle drawing procedure, UPP rRectProc: equ 12 * roundRect drawing procedure, UPP ovalProc: equ 16 * oval drawing procedure, UPP arcProc: equ 20 * arc/wedge drawing procedure, UPP polyProc: equ 24 * polygon drawing procedure, UPP rgnProc: equ 28 * region drawing procedure, UPP bitsProc: equ 32 * bit transfer procedure, UPP commentProc: equ 36 * picture comment processing, UPP txMeasProc: equ 40 * text width measurement, UPP getPicProc: equ 44 * picture retrieval procedure, UPP putPicProc: equ 48 * picture saving procedure, UPP opCodeProc: equ 52 * reserved for future use, UPP newProc1: equ 56 * reserved for future use, UPP newProc2: equ 60 * reserved for future use, UPP newProc3: equ 64 * reserved for future use, UPP newProc4: equ 68 * reserved for future use, UPP newProc5: equ 72 * reserved for future use, UPP newProc6: equ 76 * reserved for future use, UPP
By changing these pointers, you can install your own routines, and either completely override the standard ones or call them after your routines have modified their parameters as necessary. The routines you install in a QDProcs record must have the same calling sequences as the standard routines.
PROCEDURE StdText (byteCount: Integer; textBuf: Ptr; numer, denom: Point); byteCount The number of bytes of text to draw. textBuf A memory structure containing the text to draw. numer Scaling numerator. denom Scaling denominator. PROCEDURE StdLine (newPt: Point); newPt The point to which to draw the line. PROCEDURE StdRect (verb: GrafVerb; r: Rect); verb One of the following actions to perform, as defined for the GrafVerb data type: GrafVerb = (frame, paint, erase, invert, fill); r The rectangle to draw. PROCEDURE StdRRect (verb: GrafVerb; r: Rect; ovalwidth, ovalHeight: Integer); verb One of the following actions to perform, as defined for the GrafVerb data type: GrafVerb = (frame, paint, erase, invert, fill); r The rectangle to draw. ovalwidth The width diameter for the corner oval. ovalHeight The height diameter for the corner oval. PROCEDURE StdOval (verb: GrafVerb; r: Rect); verb One of the following actions to perform, as defined for the GrafVerb data type: GrafVerb = (frame, paint, erase, invert, fill); r The rectangle to contain the oval. PROCEDURE StdArc (verb: GrafVerb; r: Rect; startAngle, arcAngle: Integer); verb One of the following actions to perform, as defined for the GrafVerb data type: GrafVerb = (frame, paint, erase, invert, fill); r The rectangle to contain the arc. startAngle The beginning angle. arcAngle The ending angle. PROCEDURE StdPoly (verb: GrafVerb; poly: PolyHandle); verb One of the following actions to perform, as defined for the GrafVerb data type: GrafVerb = (frame, paint, erase, invert, fill); poly A handle to the polygon data. PROCEDURE StdRgn (verb: GrafVerb; rgn: RgnHandle); verb One of the following actions to perform, as defined for the GrafVerb data type: GrafVerb = (frame, paint, erase, invert, fill); rgn A handle to the region data. PROCEDURE StdBits (VAR srcBits: BitMap; VAR srcRect, dstRect: Rect; mode: Integer; maskRgn: RgnHandle); srcBits A bitmap or pixel map containing the image to copy. srcRect The source rectangle. dstRect The destination rectangle. mode The source mode for the copy. maskRgn A handle to a region acting as a mask for the transfer. PROCEDURE StdComment (kind,dataSize: Integer; dataHandle: Handle); kind The type of comment. dataSize The size of additional data. dataHandle A handle to additional data. FUNCTION StdTxtMeas (byteCount: Integer; textAddr: Ptr; VAR numer, denom: Point; VAR info: FontInfo): Integer; byteCount The number of text bytes to measure. textAddr A pointer to the memory structure containing the text. numer Scaling numerator. denom Scaling denominator. info A FontInfo record. PROCEDURE StdGetPic (dataPtr: Ptr; byteCount: Integer); dataPtr A pointer to the collected picture data. byteCount The size of the picture data. PROCEDURE StdPutPic (dataPtr: Ptr; byteCount: Integer); dataPtr A pointer to the collected picture data. byteCount The size of the picture data.
To assist you in setting up a record, basic QuickDraw provides the SetStdProcs procedure. You can use this procedure to get a QDProcs record with fields that point to basic QuickDraw's standard low-level routines. You can then reset the routines with which you are concerned. By pointing to your modified QDProcs record in the grafProcs field of a GrafPort record, you can replace some or all of basic QuickDraw's standard low-level routines.
PROCEDURE SetStdProcs (VAR procs: QDProcs);
In the procs parameter, the SetStdProcs procedure returns a QDProcs record with fields that point to the standard low-level routines. You can change one or more fields of this record to point to your own routines and then set the basic graphics port to use this modified QDProcs record.
Replacing QuickDraw's standard low-level picture-writing routine
QuickDraw's standard StdPutPic procedure writes picture data to memory. For large "PICT" files, it is useful to spool the picture data to disk instead of writing it all directly into memory.
To save a picture in a "PICT" file, you should use File Manager routines, such as FSpCreate, FSpOpenDF, FSWrite, and FSClose. To save a picture in a "PICT" resource, you should use Resource Manager routines, such as FSpOpenResFile (to open your application's resource fork), ChangedResource (to change an existing "PICT" resource), AddResource (to add a new "PICT" resource), WriteResource (to write the data to the resource), and CloseResFile and ReleaseResource (to conclude saving the resource).
Remember that the first 512 bytes of a "PICT" file are reserved for your application's own purposes. Your application should store the data (that is, the Picture record) after this 512-byte header.
To place a picture in the scrap--for example, in response to the user choosing the Copy command to copy a picture to the Clipboard--use the Scrap Manager function PutScrap.